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Intercession for the Church
Praying for Priests




Welcome to the ICT Praying for Priests webpage and thank you for answering God's Divine Will call. Through the intercession of St Hannibal Maria di Francia and Luisa Piccarreta we ask our Blessed Mother, as Mother of the Church, to continue to bless the work of the ICT and all affected by it. 



The Mission of ICT 


By the power of the Holy Trinity, under the mantle of our Blessed Mother Mary, Queen and Mother of Divine Will, Mother of the Church, and one with Luisa Piccarreta, our mission is that all our priests will come to: know, love, live and transmit the gift of Divine Will.​



The Role 


The role of ICT is to intercede for our Church, Priests and all members, that God’s Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven - through us, with us and in us, in our nothingness and total surrender to God’s Divine Will. Fiat. 



The Team 


This Team is essentially a deeply spiritual Team with a focus on intercessory prayer, fasting and allowing the Divine Will to act in all situations. In addition to the spiritual initiatives ongoing, we have a number of public facing initiatives such as:-

  • Encouraging Divine Will Family members to pray daily for our priests and religious in Divine Will.

  • Promoting call to prayer - one hour of weekly prayer for priests in Divine Will, 8pm Thursdays. 

  • Attending Divine Will events and promoting our mission as above



Our Objective


To establish, within DWF:

  • intercessory prayer for our Church and Priests

  • Mystical Mothers for Priests which, in essence, is adopting a priestly son in the Divine Will.
    This mission is open to all who have a calling to pray and intercede for our Priests and Church.

    Currently under the spiritual guidance of Fr Mark Byrne, SOLT, the ICT is working on the launch of Mystical Mothers for Priests in Divine Will by adopting a priestly son, with the kind permission of the Luisa Piccarreta Official Association in Corato.



Our Contact Details


If you need further information you may contact us by email.


Introducing our ICT apostolates

Prayer for Priests

We invite you to join us
in praying daily for our priests and religious

Pray now

1 Hour of Prayer

We invite you to opt in
to commit to a weekly hour of prayer for our priests

See more

Additional ICT Information

The Role of Priests in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Fr. Celso's talk
on the role of priests
in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

of the
Resurrection of Faith

Fr. Celso
Video and Document

References in BOH volumes to Priests

Some suggestions
for DW prayers for priests
inspired by BoH Volumes

Divine Will Presentation
Bishops and Priests

Video Presentation
in 3 Parts


For priests to comprehend the truths and good that are in Luisa's writings

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