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DWF Groups - Guidelines

  • Will a 'Soul Tie' exist between the mystical mother and the adopted priest and, if so, can such a relationship have negative effects?
    Background Context to Question: When one adopts a Priest, if I recall correctly you referred to the bond of mother and baby using the analogy of baby in the womb attached to the placenta, the flow from one to the other and all the benefits etc. Also, therefore between the mystical mother and the adopted priest, there is a flow between the two souls, spiritually and with reference to suffering etc. (good and bad). To me this would suggest perhaps such a bond would create a 'Soul Tie' and whilst soul ties can have either positive or negative effects - to my knowledge it would not be wise to enter into such a bond. I did ask a priest regarding the matter, but he wasn't familiar with the term 'Soul Tie'. I am assuming you may be familiar with the term; I would refer Sr. Miriam James Heidland SOLT as a point of reference who would be very familiar with the term in her work and Fr. Chris Alar MIC comments on the subject. Fr. Mark's Reply: A 'Soul Tie' is any affective bond we make from the heart with someone special such as a friend, a spiritual companion, a family member, or a romantic interest. It can be either natural or supernatural or both. And it generally begins quite naturally. This is an overflow of the Covenant bond of the Communion of the Most Holy Trinity and a promise of the Communion of Saints when the number of the elect is complete. We are created for 'Soul Ties'. But these bonds can become toxic if one or both in the relationship loses Divine grace and the human will dominates. Then they should be unloosed. It is more likely to happen when we chose someone for self-affirmation or selfish reasons. In the adoption of a priest it cannot happen that the relationship would become toxic to your harm because you do not choose the priest directly but give the gift of yourself to Our Lady and let her choose. And your do not even know who the priest is. This way, through her Motherly care and the protection of the Divine Will. you cannot be harmed.
  • Can you guide me as to how to make an approriate interior consecration?
    Background Context to Question (Follow up query from a consecrated religious ) I agree with Fr Mark to make interior consecration, but just to help me how to do it or to have any reference/experience done by others on this area, mystical motherhood, please share with me what you can as you are doing already. Thanks a lot Fr. Mark's Reply Our Lord and Our Lady, bless you dear Sr. XXX. Regarding the right words to make an interior consecration, I would simply use your own words that express that desire of your heart to be a mother to a priest and to be assigned a specific priest as your spiritual son to be assigned to you by the Blessed Virgin Mary. She knows the best choice for this priest-son and for you to be his mother. Maybe say: Lord Jesus, you are the Eternal High Priest and you said that anyone who does the Will of the Father is your mother (Matt 12:50). I gift myself to you as your mother and to be the mother of a priest-son in union with your Mother and I welcome this gift of new life to be assigned to me by Our Mother Mary as an eternal covenant bond in the Communion of the Saints and the Mystical Body of Christ which is the Church. I will attach here to this email, the 'Adoption Certificate' and you can pray the prayer on it. Peace to you. Fr. Mark, solt Link to consecration prayer on adoption certificate
  • Is deep discernment a prerequisite to making the commitment to being a Mystical Mother?
    Background Context to Question: You made a reference to Frank Duff and the creative work of The Legion of Mary. Previously I was very involved and committed to The Legion of Mary for over 10 years; we had 3 months mandatory discernment prior to taking the 'Promise' and I feel this oath/commitment to Mystical Mothers requires even greater discernment (personally). Fr. Mark's Reply: Yes, it is not the same as the Legion of Mary. It is like it in some ways and the Legion was, as other works of the Church were, a preparation for this fullness of life in the Divine Will. Do you need great discernment? I don't think so. You are being asked by the Lord and Our Lady if you want to gift them your life to be united in the Mystical Body with the life of a priest and so you may become a giver of life. The only requirement is that you do so freely, free of fear and delighted to give yourself in gift. > It is not something that needs your full understanding because it is not something that takes place at the level of your intellect. It is, rather, an appeal to your will which is deeper than your memory and your intellect, and you may respond if you trust it is an invitation from the Lord himself. Thus, you simply entrust yourself or not, like a child who instinctual is drawn towards or withdraws from something that he senses are good or bad. > > Peace to you, > > Fr. Mark, solt P.s. I’ll be adopting all the Mystical Mothers of Priests and co-signing their certificates. Yikes But Jesus asks me to embrace all for all time in the Divine Will so as the little lamb of Mary I say ‘Fiat’
  • Does the work of Mystical Mother pre-suppose a prayer life which has reached the higher aspects of unitive way, transforming union, mystical union?
    Background Context to Question: My other concern is in relation to what we might refer to as 'The Nine Levels of Prayer' or the 'The Seven Mansions of Teresa of Avila'. I would imagine for one to enter into this new work of Mystical Mother, one would perhaps have a prayer life that has reached the higher aspects of the Unitive Way, Transforming Union, Mystical Union etc. I appreciate that this work itself is incorporated into the Divine Will and we don't necessarily use the above terms. Fr. Mark's Reply: Yes, the gift of living in the Divine Will is granted by God to those who have died in their human will and supersedes the spiritualities and methods of prayer and even the levels of union that have been precursors in the history of the life of the Holy Spirit. Thus, it is not even a spirituality and has no method. Souls are given a very simple instruction - be attentive and do whatever you see your heavenly Father doing. Some souls have been lifted very high and very quickly without ever going through the nine levels of prayer or through the seven mansions. We stand on the shoulders of giants but even the saints of the past have not been enough to bring the world to the purpose for which God created us.
  • Does consecration as a Mystical Mother pose a possible conflict with a pre-existing vow of consecration as a religious sister?
    Background Context to Question: (Query from a consecrated religious) I am a cloister sister. At this time I am living in Italy. Knowing about DW, for me, is to get a pure oxygen, light and great hope in my consecrated live. Please pray for my community so that the Holy Spirit of God may dwell among us and guide us. As a cloistered sister, I feel my duty to pray for priests and the Church in a particular way. And I was very interested to know about the "Mystical Mothers for Priests in Divine Will", now when I read that there needs a consecration, since I am consecrated nun and it is my personal interest to know about the Mystical Mothers for Priests in Divine Will, a question comes to me, if it can create me some confusion, specially, I can't ask permission to do this consecration because I know that DW message is not accepted until now in my community. I don't know what to decide..... pray for me please. Fr. Mark's Reply: Bless your heart, my dear Sr. XXX I understand your fear that the consecration to be a mother of a priest might conflict with your consecration as a religious sister. They are not in competition. Because you are already consecrated to Our Lord and Our Lady, but because it is not possible to share the Divine Will teachings at this time with the rest of the community, you can just fold (in Italian, 'piega' or 'piegare all'interno) the little consecration of being a mystical mother within your greater consecration of your religious life. Make an interior act of consecration. And then give it to Our Lady and she will make any adjustments in your gift that need to be made and direct it as Mediatrix of All Graces to make your life flow in the Church and for priests to give them life as a mother. Only in the Divine Will can you finally fulfil completely the words of Jesus in Matthew 12:50, that those who do the Will of the Father can be his Mother (which Mary did as she lived in the Divine Will). If you have a trusted Spiritual Director you can run this by him or her. Peace to you. Thank you for the gift of your heart to priests. Fr. Mark, SOLT
  • Is consecration as a Mystical Mother, with its accompanying adoption certificate, of more significance than Divine Will prayer for priests outside of such consecration?
    Background Context to Question: ( This query is from some one who is already consecrated to live in Divine Will) A few people have asked what is the difference between one who has been praying for priests for many years and offering up sacrifices for them and one who now consecrates themselves to adopting a priest and receives a certificate of adoption. They don’t understand the need for this adoption. Was it so one could get a signed adoption certificate. This question is coming from people who have consecrated themselves to live in the Divine Will, however they would have been praying and offering sacrifices for priests long before they heard about living in the Divine Will. Fr. Mark's Reply: There are some people who, with a caring heart and with generosity, make a visit to an orphanage maybe at Christmas time or Easter time, to give a donation and to spend a few hours with the children. Then they return to their own life and family. Maybe a special soul visits more often. This is like one who offers prayers and sacrifices. But then there is the person who visits and takes a child home with them to become part of their family, part of their life. It is a permanent bond and a life lived together. The one adopting gives new life to the one who has been adopted. A contract involves the exchange of goods between two persons. But a covenant is a contract in which the persons themselves are exchanged, are gifted each to the other such as a marriage or a religious vow or the consecration of a nation to the Lord. With the covenant, the Lord says, 'I am yours and you are mine.' So, Jesus makes a covenant with us of blood for ever - ' blood, the blood of the new and eternal covenant..." Therefore, it involves your blood, your life-blood. God lives in an eternal covenant communion of three persons. The Communion of the Saints is the extension of that Trinitarian life. Mary did not pray only for the coming of the Messiah and for his ministry of Redemption and make sacrifices for that new priesthood; she became the Mother of God and he was her true Son. We can now all be the children of God by the adoption in grace. God does not simply visit us or give the donation of his grace; we are truly his children in the life of the Divine Communion by the grace of adoption. Only now, in our times, on the level of the Divine Will, can the words of Jesus be fulfilled: "Anyone who does the Will of my Father in Heaven is my ....mother." (Matthew 12:50). Note he does not say that they '...may be my mother' but rather that that one "is my mother". It is real motherhood and sonship in the Divine Will. It is a new order of grace being given to our generation. If you don't understand the need for adoption and if you think it is about getting a signed adoption certificate, I would not advise you to take the step. The certificate is just an outward sign of an inward movement of grace. But it is signed and God will ask you for an account of your word. Peace to you.
  • I am getting many unnecessary email notifications from my group. I would prefer to only receive emails when a new post is published. Can I control what emails I receive?
    When you are logged into your account on the DWF website you can adjust your settings to control which emails you receive. To adjust your settings: If you go to the top right of the Header Bar, while you are logged in, and click on your name a drop-down menu appears with the option My Account as shown below: Now click on the Settings tab on the My Account page and adjust the notifications radio buttons as you wish. See below: Many people may wish to only receive emails about new posts to their groups.
  • What is a DWF Website Group?
    DWF Website has BoH Groups for each individual leader's BoH Group Members. The Website Group makes it easy for the leader to share information and to post the Zoom link for the group's meetings. Notes associated with the meeting can also be uploaded to the group.
  • How do I post a message in my group?
    Most groups are configured so that only the Administrator of the group can post a message. Members can comment, however. To post a message in your group you must first be logged in. Enter your group using DWF Groups / Groups option and clicking View. Click the Create a Post button. If you can't see the Create a Post button then click Discussion option on the left of the screen underneath the group name to view the discussion thread and the Create a post button should then be visible. When you click Create a Post a mini-window will open and you can begin typing. There are some symbols on the bottom of the mini-window which you can explore to see if they will be useful to you. When you have completed your message click Publish button which will only be enabled after you have commenced typing. DWF website groups are set up so that only the Administrator of the group can post a message. The group's leader is usually the administrator of the group, but another member can be designated such by the leader if necessary. Group members can comment on a post or message which has been published. It is up to the administrator of the group to ensure that all group messages that are posted are appropriate to the proper purpose of the group. Inappropriate or out-of-date posts can be deleted by the group's administrator.
  • How do I save a Word Document as a PDF?
    To save a Word Document as a PDF use Save As option from the Word File Menu. When the Save As dialog appears scroll down to the File Format section Use the Green up/down arrows on the right to view the file format options and scroll down until PDF option appears. Select PDF as below and click Save. The saved File name will now have .PDF stem. Be careful to select the .PDF version of the file when uploading it to the website. The PDF version doesn't interfere with the .DOCx Version of the file which needs to be saved separately.
  • When I try to view my uploaded file it doesn't seem to open on the screen. Why?
    You may have inadvertently uploaded the Word version of the document rather than the PDF version. Only the PDF version will open on-screen when clicked. A Word document will be downloaded to the Downloads folder rather than opening on the screen. That is why, for members' convenience, we recommend that uploaded files should always be in PDF format.
  • How do I know if I'm logged in?
    Check the top right of the Header Bar of the website. If you are logged in you should see your name at the top right of the navy header bar. If, instead, you see "Log In" there then you are not logged in. Click "Log In" and enter your email address and the password that you created when you registered. See top right of the navy bar below
  • How do I join a group?
    12 Step Process in Registering for a Book of Heaven Class using the Groups Facility on DWF Website it is important to follow the steps in a step-by-step process, so you will be added to your Book of Heaven Class Group. Otherwise your registration will not be completed and you will not be added to your group. Step 1: Log on to Step 2: On the Top Bar click: Register BoH Step 3: The Registration form for BoH Groups opens Step 4: Tick “I am already a member of a BoH Group” Step 5: A list of Group Leaders' Names pop up Step 6: Tick appropriate Group Leader Name Step 7: You can tick a number of Group Leader Names, if you attend classes with more than one group Step 8: Complete the Registration Form Step 9: tick the boxes … over 18 years etc. Step 10: Press Submit …and your registration for your class is complete Step 11: Member sign-up Page opens – A. you create a Password for your DWF Membership Account B. Tick -Join the Community C. Submit 12. You will be assigned your Group shortly, and you will be able to access your group for notes and communications about your class. Note: You will need your Password to log-in to your Class Group. So, it is very important that you store and remember your Password as it is unique to you and no-one else has knowledge or access to your password.
  • How do I access my group?
    Log in to the DWF website using the "Log In" at the top right of the Home Page - if you are already logged in your will see your name displayed there instead of "Log In". Select the "DWF Groups" tab on the Menu Bar to view Groups of which you are a member. NB. If there are no groups visible then you are either not logged in or have not yet been added to your group. In that case, check to see if Log In is visible on the top right of the screen. If it is, Log In. Otherwise, you could use the Contact on the bottom right of the page to remind us that you have not yet been admitted to your group.
  • Do I need to be logged in to read a group message?
    Yes, to read any message in full you will need to be logged into the website on the device that you are using. Log in at the top right of the Home Screen of the website and use the email / password that you registered with.
  • I need to upload a file but I can't see any upload file symbol?
    To see the upload file symbol click the Create a Post button. A mini-window will open and the file upload symbol appears on the options line near the bottom of the mini-window. Now click the file upload symbol as seen here below NOTE In some instances, when someone clicks the Create a Post button the Add file and other symbols fail to appear. This problem can be resolved by clearing your browser's cache/history.
  • I'm still unsure about logging in and registering. Can you give me more details about how to log in and register on the website?
    If you are a member of an existing group and need more information about how to register and how to log in once you are registered then we invite you to read the following document, which will help you familiarise yourself with the steps involved.
  • Do I have to create a password and "Join the Community"?
    If you wish to be included in any of the groups then it is necessary to opt in to Join the Community and to create a password in order to access your website account. We cannot add you to any group unless you have an account with a password. You will need to use the password when you log in to view the group discussion.
  • How can I upload a PDF file to a group?
    Generally only the administrator of a group wlll upload a file to the group. The group's leader is usually the designated administrator of the group. Any file to be uploaded and viewed on the screen should be first saved / exported as a PDF on your own computer. To upload an existing PDF which has already been saved on your computer: 1. Log in If you are not already logged in to the website, click Log In at the top right of the Header of the website's Home Page. 2. Click Groups in DWF Groups tab of the Home Page Menu options. 3. Click View Click View to enter the chosen group. 4. Click Create a Post to begin writing. When you do so the following edit floating menu appears beneath the text box: 5. Click the file symbol as shown below: This will bring you to your computer desktop to enable you to select the appropriate PDF to be uploaded. When the chosen file is selected Click Upload to upload the chosen file. 6.Click Publish. This will cause the message to be published to all the members of the group to which the Post was published. If you click Cancel instead of Publish then the entire message and file upload will be cancelled. NOTE In some instances, when someone clicks the Create a Post button the Add file and other editing symbols fail to appear. This problem can be resolved by clearing your browser's cache/history.
  • I'm struggling with using my group. Can I get help from anyone?
    If you have any difficulties whatever using your group please use the Contact option on the Home Page of the website and we will respond to you asap to advise you how to proceed. If you share your difficulty with us we may be able to put the solution to this type of problem on the Guide to Groups webpage so as to assist others.
  • Why can't I see my groups when I click the Groups tab of the website?
    It is possible that you are not logged into your account if you cannot see any of your groups when you click on Groups under the DWF Groups tab, as below. To remedy this log in to your account using your email address and the password you created when you registered. To log in go to the top right of the Home Screen and click on the Log In area. Sometimes, you'll need to refresh your screen after you log in before you'll actually see your groups on the screen.
  • I received an email about a message in my group but I can't read the message. Why?
    If you can't read the messages in your group then you are almost certainly not logged in. To access the group & message you should Log In at the top right of the Home Screen and after you log in you may need to refresh your screen before you can see your group/message. This applies especially in the case of mobile phones. Check the top right of the Header bar of the Home Page. If you are logged in you'll see your name there, otherwise you'll see Log In. See below to see what you will see when you click View Post to view a message when you are not logged in:
  • 24 Hours of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ - Meditations, Reflections and Practices
  • HoP DWF Team
    Spiritual Director Divine Will Family: Frances Hogan National Coordinator Divine Will Family: Imelda Butler Spiritual Coordinator Hours of the Passion: John Corrigan Web Support HoP team
  • Luisa’s Writings in Book of Heaven relating to The Hours of the Passion references
    The following selection from the Writings of Luisa contains the passages which are referred to in the letter, and some additional ones, which were written at a later time. June 5, 1906, Volume 6 Crosses are baptismal founts. This morning, upon coming, blessed Jesus told me: "My daughter, crosses and mortifications are as many baptismal founts, and any kind of cross which is dipped in the thought of my Passion loses half of its bitterness, and its weight diminishes by half." And He disappeared like a flash. I continued to do certain adorations and reparations in my interior, and He came back, adding: "What is not my consolation in seeing what my Humanity did many centuries ago being redone in you. In fact, anything which I established that each soul should do, was done before in my Humanity. If the soul corresponds to Me, she does again within herself that which I did for her; but if she does not, it remains done only in Me, and I feel an inexpressible bitterness." November 9, 1906 Volume 7 Effects of meditating continuously on the Passion. Finding myself in my usual state, I was thinking about the Passion of Our Lord; and while I was doing this, He came and told me: "My daughter, one who meditates continuously on my Passion and feels sorrow for it and compassion for Me, pleases Me so much that I feel as though comforted for all that I suffered in the course of my Passion; and by always meditating on it, the soul arrives at preparing a continuous food. In this food there are many different spices and flavours, which form different effects. So, if in the course of my Passion they gave Me ropes and chains to tie Me, the soul releases Me and gives Me freedom. They despised Me, spat on Me, and dishonoured Me; she appreciates Me, cleans Me of that spittle, and honours Me. They stripped Me and scourged Me; she heals Me and clothes Me. They crowned Me with thorns, mocking Me as king, embittered my mouth with bile, and - 12 - crucified Me; while the soul, meditating on all my pains, crowns Me with glory and honours Me as her king, fills my mouth with sweetness, giving Me the most delicious food, which is the memory of my own works; and unnailing Me from the Cross, she makes Me rise again in her heart. And every time she does so, I give her a new life of grace as recompense. She is my food, and I become her continuous food. So, the thing that pleases Me the most is meditating continuously on my Passion." March 24, 1913 Volume 11 The continuous thought of His Passion. …I add that I was thinking to myself about the sweet Mama, and Jesus told me: "My daughter, the thought of my Passion never escaped my dear Mama, and by dint of repeating it, she filled all of Herself with Me, completely. The same happens to the soul: by dint of repeating what I suffered, she arrives at filling herself with Me." April 10, 1913, Volume 11 The recompense for those who do the Hours of the Passion. This morning my always lovable Jesus came, and hugging me to His Heart, told me: "My daughter, one who always thinks about my Passion forms a fount within her heart, and the more she thinks about It, the larger this fount becomes. And just as the waters that spring up are waters common to everyone, in the same way, this fount of my Passion which is formed in her heart serves for the good of the soul, for my glory, and for the good of all creatures." And I: ‘Tell me, my Good, what will You give as recompense to those who will do the Hours of the Passion the way You taught them to me?’ And He: "My daughter, I will look at these Hours, not as yours, but as done by Me. I will give you my same merits, as if I were in the act of suffering my Passion; and the same effects, according to the dispositions of the souls. This, while they are on earth - and I could not give them a greater reward. Then, in Heaven, I will place these souls in front of Me, darting through them with darts of love and of contentments for as many times as they did the Hours of my Passion; and they will dart through Me. What a sweet enchantment this will be for all the Blessed!"…. September 6, 1913, Volume 11 The Hours of the Passion are the very prayers of Jesus. I was thinking about the Hours of the Passion, which have now been written, and how they are without any indulgence. So, those who do them gain nothing, while there are many prayers enriched with many indulgences. While I was thinking of this, my always lovable Jesus, all kindness, told me: "My daughter, through the prayers with indulgences one gains something, but the Hours of my Passion, which are my very prayers, my reparations, and all love, have come out of the very depth of my Heart. Have you perhaps forgotten how many times I have united Myself with you to do them together, and I have changed chastisements into graces over the whole earth? So, my satisfaction is such and so great, that instead of the indulgence, I give the soul a handful of love, which contains incalculable prices of infinite value. And besides, when things are done out of pure love, my love finds its outpouring, and it is not insignificant that the creature gives relief and outpouring to the love of the Creator." – October 1914 Volume 11 The effectiveness of these Hours depends on whether the soul does them in union with Jesus and in His Will. How Jesus desires that souls do the Hours of the Passion. I was writing the Hours of the Passion, and I thought to myself: ‘How many sacrifices in order to write these blessed Hours of the Passion, especially to put on paper certain interior acts which had passed only between me and Jesus. What will be the recompense that He will give to me?’ And Jesus, letting me hear His tender and sweet voice, told me: "My daughter, as recompense for having written the Hours of my Passion, for each word you have written I will give you a kiss - a soul." And I: ‘My love, this is for me; and what will You give to those who will do them?’ And Jesus: "If they do them together with Me and with my own Will, I will also give them a soul for each word they will recite, because the greater or lesser effectiveness of these Hours of my Passion is in the greater or lesser union that they have with Me. By doing them with my Will, the creature hides within my Volition, and since it is my Volition that acts, I can produce all the goods I want, even through one word alone; and this, for each time you will do them." Another time I was lamenting to Jesus, because after so many sacrifices to write these Hours of the Passion, very few were the souls who were doing them. And He: "My daughter, do not lament - even if there were only one, you should be content. Would I not have suffered my whole Passion even if one soul alone were to be saved? The same for you. One should never omit good because few avail themselves of it; all the harm is for those who do not take advantage of it. And just as my Passion made my Humanity acquire the merit as if all were saved, even though not all are saved, because my Will was to save everyone, and I received merit according to what I wanted, not according to the profit which creatures would draw; the same for you: you will be rewarded depending on whether your will was identified with my Will in wanting to do good to all. All the harm is for those who, though being able to, do not do them. These Hours are the most precious of all, because they are nothing less than the repetition of what I did in the course of my mortal life, and what I continue to do in the Most Holy Sacrament. When I hear these Hours of my Passion, I hear my own voice, my own prayers. In that soul I see my Will - that is, wanting the good of all and repairing for all - and I feel drawn to dwell in her, to be able to do what she herself does within her. Oh, how I would love that even one single soul for each town did these Hours of my Passion! I would hear Myself in each town, and my Justice, greatly indignant during these times, would be placated in part." I add that one day I was doing the Hour in which the Celestial Mama gave burial to Jesus, and I followed Her to keep Her company in Her bitter desolation, to compassionate Her. I did not usually do this Hour all the times - only sometimes. Now, I was undecided about whether I should do it or not, and blessed Jesus, all love, and as though praying me, told me: "My daughter, I do not want you to omit it. You will do it for love of Me, in honor of my Mama. Know that every time you do it, my Mama feels as if She were on earth in person, repeating Her life, and therefore She receives that glory and love which She gave Me while on earth; and I feel as if my Mama were on earth again - Her maternal tenderness, Her love and all the glory that She gave Me. So, I will consider you as a mother." Then, as He embraced me, I heard Him say to me, very softly: "My mama, mama"; and He whispered to me all that sweet Mama did and suffered in this Hour - and I followed Her. From that time on, helped by His grace, I have never omitted it again. – November 4, 1914, Volume 11 The new and continuous way to meditate the Passion. I was doing the Hours of the Passion and Jesus, all pleased, told me: "My daughter, if you knew what great satisfaction, I feel in seeing you repeating these Hours of my Passion - always repeating them, over and over again - you would be happy. It is true that my Saints have meditated on my Passion and have comprehended how much I suffered, melting in tears of compassion, so much so, as to feel consumed for love of my pains; but not in such a continuous way, and repeated many times in this order. Therefore, I can say that you are the first one to give Me this pleasure, so great and special, as you keep fragmenting within you - hour by hour - my life and what I suffered. And I feel so drawn that, hour by hour, I give you this food and I eat the same food with you, doing what you do together with you. Know, however, that I will reward you abundantly with new light and new graces; and even after your death, each time souls on earth will do these Hours of my Passion, in Heaven I will clothe you with ever new light and glory." November 6, 1914 Volume 11 The soul who does the Hours of the Passion makes the life of Jesus her own, and does His same office. As I continued the usual Hours of the Passion, my lovable Jesus told me: "My daughter, the world is in continuous act of renewing my Passion; and since my immensity envelopes everything, inside and outside the creatures, from their contact I am forced to receive nails, thorns, scourges, scorns, spit and all the rest which I suffered in the Passion - and still more. Now, at the contact with souls who do these Hours of my Passion I feel the nails being removed, the thorns shattered, the wounds soothed, the spit taken away. I feel I am repaid in good for the evil that others do to Me, and in feeling that their contact does no harm to Me, but good, I lean more and more on them." In addition to this, returning to speak about these Hours of the Passion, blessed Jesus said: "My daughter, know that by doing these Hours the soul takes my thoughts and makes them her own; she takes my reparations, prayers, desires, affections, and even my most intimate fibres, and makes them her own. And rising up between Heaven and earth, she does my same office, and as co-redemptrix, she says with Me: ‘Ecce ego, mitte me [Here I am, send me] - I want to repair for all, answer for all, and impetrate good for all’." April 23, 1916 Volume 11 At each thought about the Passion of Jesus, the soul draws light from His Humanity. Continuing in my usual state, my adorable Jesus made Himself seen all surrounded with light, which came out from within His Most Holy Humanity, and embellished Him in such a way as to form an enchanting and enrapturing sight. I remained surprised, and He told me: "My daughter, each pain I suffered, each drop of Blood, each wound, prayer, word, action, step, etc., produced a light within my Humanity, which embellished Me in such a way as to keep all the Blessed enraptured. Now, at each thought that the soul has about my Passion, at each act of compassion, reparation, etc., she does nothing other than draw light from my Humanity, and be embellished in my likeness. So, each additional thought about my Passion will be one more light which will bring her eternal joy." – October 13, 1916, Volume 11 How the Angels are around the soul who does the Hours of the Passion. These Hours are sweet little sips that souls give to Jesus. I was doing the Hours of the Passion, and blessed Jesus told me: "My daughter, in the course of my mortal life, thousands and thousands of Angels were the cortege of my Humanity, gathering everything I did – my steps, my works, my words, and even my sighs, my pains, the drops of my Blood – in sum, everything. They were the Angels in charge of my custody, and of paying Me honor; obedient to my every wish, they would rise to and descend from Heaven, to bring to the Father what I was doing. Now these Angels have a special office, and as the soul remembers my Life, my Passion, my Blood, my wounds, my prayers, they come around this soul and gather her words, her prayers, her acts of compassion for Me, her tears and her offerings; they unite them to mine, and they bring them before my Majesty to renew for Me the glory of my own Life. The delight of the Angels is so great that, reverent, they listen to what the soul says, and pray together with her. So, with what attention and respect must the soul do these Hours, thinking that the Angels hang upon her lips to repeat after her what she says." Then He added: "After the so many bitterness that creatures give Me, these Hours are sweet little sips that souls give Me; but for the many bitter sips I receive, the sweet ones are too few. Therefore, more diffusion, more diffusion!" December 9, 1916, Volume 11 Jesus wants to find Himself and what He did in the soul. With this intention the soul must do the Hours of the Passion and every action. I was afflicted because of the privations of my sweet Jesus; and if He comes, while I breathe a little bit of life, I am left more afflicted in seeing Him more afflicted than I am. He does not want to hear about placating Himself, because creatures force Him, and snatch more scourges from Him. But while He scourges, He cries over the lot of man, and He hides deep inside my heart, almost not to see what man suffers. It seems that one can no longer live in these sad times; yet it seems that this is only the beginning. Then, as I was worried about my hard and sad lot of having to be so very often without Him, my sweet Jesus came, and throwing one arm around my neck, told me: "My daughter, do not increase my pains by worrying – they are already too many. I do not expect this from you; on the contrary, I want you to make my pains, my prayers and all of Myself your own, in such a way that I may find in you another Me. In these times I want great satisfactions, and only one who makes Me his own can give them to Me. That which the Father found in Me – glory, delight, love, satisfactions whole and perfect, and for the good of all – I want to find in these souls, like as many other Jesuses that match Me. These intentions you must repeat in each Hour of the Passion that you do, in each action – in everything. If I do not find my satisfactions – ah, it is over for the world! The scourges will pour down in torrents. Ah, my daughter! Ah, my daughter!" And He disappeared. February 2, 1917, Volume 11 The world has become unbalanced because it has lost the thought of the Passion. - 16 - As I was in my usual state, I found myself outside of myself, and I found my always lovable Jesus, all dripping with blood, with a horrible crown of thorns, looking at me with difficulty through the thorns. He told me: "My daughter, the world has become unbalanced because it has lost the thought of my Passion. In darkness, it has not found the light of my Passion which would illuminate it; and as it would make known to it my love and how much souls cost Me, it might turn to loving the One who has truly loved it; and the light of my Passion, guiding it, would put it on its guard against all dangers. In weakness, it has not found the strength of my Passion which would sustain it. In impatience, it has not found the mirror of my patience which would infuse in it calm and resignation; and in the face of my patience, feeling ashamed, it would make it its duty to dominate itself. In pains, it has not found the comfort of the pains of a God which, sustaining its pains, would infuse in it love of suffering. In sin, it has not found my sanctity which, placing itself in front of it, would infuse in it hate of sin. Ah! man has made an abuse of everything, because in everything he has moved away from the One who could help him. This is why the world has lost balance. It behaved like a child who no longer wanted to recognize his mother; or like a disciple who, denying his master, no longer wanted to listen to his teachings, or learn his lessons. What will happen to this child and to this disciple? They will be the sorrow of themselves, and the terror and sorrow of society. Such has man become – terror and sorrow, but a sorrow without pity. Ah! man is getting worse and worse, and I cry over him with tears of blood!" May 16, 1917, Volume 12 Effects of the Hours of the Passion. There is not a soul who enters Purgatory without carrying the mark of the Hours of the Passion. Finding myself in my usual state, I was fusing all of myself in my sweet Jesus, and then I poured all of myself into the creatures, in order to give the whole of Jesus to all. And my lovable Jesus told me: "My daughter, every time the creature fuses herself in Me, she gives the influence of Divine Life to all creatures; and according to their own needs, the creatures obtain their effects: those who are weak, feel strength; those who are obstinate in sin, receive light; those who suffer, receive comfort; and so with all the rest." Then, I found myself outside of myself. I was in the midst of many souls - they seemed to be purging souls and Saints - who were speaking to me and mentioning one person known to me, who died not too long ago. And they said to me: ‘He feels happy in seeing that there is not a soul who enters Purgatory without carrying the mark of the Hours of the Passion. Surrounded by the cortege of these Hours and helped by them, the souls take a safe place. And there is not a soul who flies into Heaven, without being accompanied by these Hours of the Passion. These Hours make a continuous dew pour down from Heaven to earth, into Purgatory, and even into Heaven.’ On hearing this, I said to myself: ‘Maybe my beloved Jesus, in order to keep the word He had given - that for each word of the Hours of the Passion He would give a soul - is allowing that there be not a saved soul who does not benefit from these Hours.’ Afterwards, I returned into myself, and as I found my sweet Jesus, I asked Him whether that was true. And He: "These Hours are the order of the Universe; they put Heaven and earth in harmony and restrain Me from sending the world to ruin. I feel my Blood, my wounds, my Love and all I did, - 17 - being placed in circulation; and they flow over all to save all. As souls do these Hours of the Passion, I feel my Blood, my wounds, my anxieties to save souls, being put in motion, and I feel my own Life being repeated. How could creatures obtain any good if not by means of these Hours? Why do you doubt? This thing is not yours, but mine. You have been the strained and weak instrument." July 12, 1918 Volume 12 Effects of the Passion of Jesus. I was praying for a dying soul with a certain fear and anxiety, when my lovable Jesus came and told me: "My daughter, why do you fear? Don’t you know that for each word on my Passion, for each thought, compassion, reparation, memory of my pains - as many ways of electric communication open between Me and the soul, and therefore the soul keeps adorning herself with as many different beauties? She has done the Hours of my Passion, and I will receive her as daughter of my Passion, clothed with my Blood and adorned with my wounds. This flower has grown inside your heart, so I bless it and I receive it in my Heart, as a favorite flower." And while He was saying this, a flower came out of my heart, and took flight toward Jesus. October 21, 1921 Volume 13 Everything that Jesus did and suffered is in continuous act of giving itself to man. All the remedies needed for the whole humanity are in His Life and Passion. I was thinking about the Passion of my sweet Jesus, and upon coming, He told me: "My daughter, every time the soul thinks about my Passion, remembers what I suffered, or compassionates Me, she renews the application of my pains within herself. My Blood rises to inundate her, and my wounds place themselves on the path to heal her if she is wounded, or to embellish her if she is healthy – and all my merits, to enrich her. The traffic she produces is amazing - it is as if she placed everything I did and suffered on a counter, earning twice as much. In fact, everything I did and suffered is in continuous act of giving itself to man, just as the sun is in continuous act of giving light and heat to the earth. My work is not subject to exhaustion; if the soul just wants it so, and as many times as she wants it, she receives the fruit of my Life. So, if she remembers my Passion twenty, a hundred, a thousand times, so many more times will she enjoy Its effects. But how few are those who make a treasure of it! With all the good of my Passion, one can see souls who are weak, blind, deaf, mute, crippled - living cadavers, such as to be disgusting. This, because my Passion is put into oblivion. My pains, my wounds, my Blood are strength which removes weaknesses, light which gives sight to the blind, tongue which loosens tongues and opens the hearing, way which straightens the crippled, life which raises the cadavers.... All the remedies needed for the whole of humanity are in my Life and Passion. But the creature despises the medicine and does not care about the remedies; and so, one can see, in spite of all my Redemption, the state of man perishing, as though affected by an incurable consumption. But that which grieves Me the most is to see religious people who tire themselves out in order to acquire doctrines, speculations, stories - but about my Passion, nothing. So, many times my Passion is banished from churches, from the mouths of priests; therefore, their speech is without light, and the peoples remain more starved than before."… October 24, 1925, Volume 18 One who thinks about the Passion of Jesus, keeps Jesus company. But one who lives in the Divine Will, finds the Passion of Jesus in act, and repeats It within herself. …"My daughter, thinking about my Passion, compassionating Me in my pains, is very pleasing to Me. I feel I am not alone in my pains, but I have with Me the company of the creature, because of whom I suffer, and whom I love so much; and as I have her with Me, my suffering becomes sweeter for Me. How hard is isolation in suffering! When I see Myself alone, I have no one to whom to entrust my pains, nor anyone to whom to give the fruit which my pains contain; and so I remain as though drowned with pains and love. Therefore, as my love can endure no more, I come to You, to suffer within you, and you with Me, the pains of my Passion, in act, in or order to repeat what I did and suffered in my Humanity. To repeat my Passion in act in the creature is different from one who only thinks about and compassionates my pains. The first is an act of my Life, which takes my place in order to repeat my pains, and I feel I am given back the effects and the value of a Divine Life. On the other hand, when one thinks about my pains and compassionates Me, it is the mere company of the creature that I feel. But do you know in whom I can repeat the pains of my Passion in act? In one who has my Will as centre of life. My Will alone is one single act which has no succession of acts. This single act is as though fixed to one point which never moves; and this point is Eternity. And while being one single act, prime act, endless act, Its circumference is so immense that nothing can escape It; It embraces everything and everyone with one single embrace, because everything starts from that prime act, as one single act. So, the Creation, the Redemption and the Sanctification are one single act for the Divinity; and only because it is one single act, it has the power to make all acts its own, as if they were one alone. Now, one who lives in my Will possesses this single act, and it is no wonder that she takes part in one who lives in my Will.
  • Joining a Living Clock
  • Methods of Meditating on The Hours of the Passion
    How these Hours of the Passion can be prayed ( Reference The Kingdom of the Divine Will ) One method is that of meditating one Hour each day by reading it alone, or with one’s family, or with others. In this way, in the round of 24 days, one would complete the 24 Hours. A good clock never stops – life never stops… A second method is that of forming groups of various people – 4, 8, 12 or possibly 24 and more – each one committed seriously to doing one of the Hours, assigned for a period of time, before changing the Hour. A good clock marks all the hours - it skips none of them… A third method, then, is that of doing at least one hour per day, at the time of the day which coincides to that hour, but in any case, to reach such familiarity with the Hours of the Passion, and to assimilate them in such a way, as to be able to follow their content mentally during the whole day. For this purpose, it is very helpful to learn the succession of the 24 Hours with the corresponding title, which is reported on the next section. To "do" an Hour of the Passion means to read it attentively, meditating on it, contemplating it, making it one’s own life… It is not just remembering and compassionating the sufferings of Jesus as something that happened many centuries ago in a faraway place; but rather, it is, first of all, to enter into the Divine Will, in which everything is present and in act, and to participate in the interior acts and sufferings of Our Lord, which are present and in act at this precise moment, so as to repeat His life within us, to grow in His likeness, and to pour upon everyone the infinite value, merits and effects of His Passion. Jesus Himself explains this very important difference: "To repeat my Passion in act in the creature, is different from one who only thinks of my pains and compassionates them. The first is an act of my Life, which takes my place in order to repeat my pains, and I feel I am given back the effects and the value of a Divine Life; while in thinking of my pains and in compassionating Me, it is only the company of the creature that I feel. But do you know in whom I can repeat my pains, in act, of my Passion? In one who has my Will as centre of life." (October 24, 1925 Vol.18) One can understand, then, how the Hours of the Passion are not just a reading, and not even a devotion, but a formation of life: the interior life of Jesus. In this way, day after day, we will feel more and more that Jesus is truly living in us - not just our life, but His very Divine Life.
  • The Effects of the Hours of the Passion
    Volume 12, May 16, 1917: Effects of the Hours of the Passion. Finding myself in my usual state, I was fusing all of myself in my sweet Jesus, and then I poured all of myself into the creatures, in order to give the whole of Jesus to all. And my lovable Jesus told me: “My daughter, every time the creature fuses herself in Me, she gives the influence of Divine Life to all creatures; and according to their own needs, the creatures obtain their effects: those who are weak, feel strength; those who are obstinate in sin, receive light; those who suffer, receive comfort; and so with all the rest.” Then, I found myself outside of myself. I was in the midst of many souls - they seemed to be purging souls and Saints - who were speaking to me and mentioning one person known to me, who died not too long ago. And they said to me: ‘He feels happy in seeing that there is not a soul who enters Purgatory without carrying the mark of the Hours of the Passion. Surrounded by the cortege of these Hours and helped by them, the souls take a safe place. And there is not a soul who flies into Heaven, without being accompanied by these Hours of the Passion. These Hours make a continuous dew pour down from Heaven to earth, into Purgatory, and even into Heaven.’ On hearing this, I said to myself: ‘Maybe my beloved Jesus, in order to keep the word He had given - that for each word of the Hours of the Passion He would give a soul - is allowing that there be not a saved soul who does not benefit from these Hours.’ Afterwards, I returned into myself, and as I found my sweet Jesus, I asked Him whether that was true. And He: “These Hours are the order of the Universe; they put Heaven and earth in harmony, and restrain Me from sending the world to ruin. I feel my Blood, my wounds, my love and all I did, being placed in circulation; and they flow over all to save all. As souls do these Hours of the Passion, I feel my Blood, my wounds, my anxieties to save souls, being put in motion, and I feel my own Life being repeated. How could creatures obtain any good if not by means of these Hours? Why do you doubt? This thing is not yours, but mine. You have been the strained and weak instrument.
  • Value and Effects of these Hours of the Passion from a Letter of Luisa to Saint Annibale M. di Francia, and from her Writings to St. Annibale
    "I begin by reporting here a letter which the Author sent me… " Most Reverend Father, I am finally sending you the Hours of the Passion, now written, and all for the glory of Our Lord. I also include another sheet which contains the effects, and the beautiful promises which Jesus makes to anyone who does these Hours of the Passion. I believe that if one who meditates them is a sinner, he will convert; if he is imperfect, he will become perfect; if he is holy, he will become more holy; if he is tempted, he will find victory; if he is suffering, in these Hours he will find the strength, the medicine, the comfort. And if his soul is weak and poor, he will find spiritual food and the mirror in which he will reflect himself continuously to be embellished and to become similar to Jesus, our model. The satisfaction that blessed Jesus receives from the meditation of these Hours is so great, that He would want at least one copy of these meditations to be present and practiced in each city or town. In fact, it would happen, then, as if Jesus heard His own voice and His prayers being reproduced in those reparations, just as the ones He raised to His Father during the 24 hours of His sorrowful Passion. And if this were done in each town or city at least, by as many souls, Jesus seems to make me understand that Divine Justice would be placated in part, and in these sad times of torments and bloodshed, Its scourges would be stopped, in part, and as though dampened. I let you, Reverend Father, make appeal to all; may you complete, in this way, the little work that my lovable Jesus had me do. - 11 - I also tell you that the purpose of these Hours of the Passion is not so much that of narrating the story of the Passion, because there are many books that treat this pious topic, and it would not be necessary to make another one. But rather, the purpose is the reparation, uniting the different points of the Passion of Our Lord with the diversity of the many offenses, and making worthy reparation for them together with Jesus, almost making up for all that the other creatures owe Him. From this, the different ways of reparation present in these Hours: in some sections one blesses, in others one compassionates, in others one praises, in others one comforts suffering Jesus, in others one compensates, in others one supplicates, prays and asks. Therefore, I leave it to you, Reverend Father, to make known the purpose of these writings with a preface. St. Annibale response: "The sheet about which the author of these Hours of the Passion speaks at the beginning of her letter, here transcribed, contains what the Lord told her, and is reported here
  • The History of the Hours of the Passion
    In 1882, after having written her Christmas Novena at the age of 17, Luisa had an unexpected vision of the infant Jesus who invited her to aspire to a higher level of grace and love. He exhorted her to meditate each hour of the day on the corresponding 24 hours of his Passion and death on the Cross. She did this on a daily basis and 31 years later - in 1913 and 1914, Luisa was placed under obedience to write down these meditations, now known as, “The Hours of the Passion”. Father Hannnibal di Francia published the first four editions of The Hours of the Passion, which all bore the “mulla osta” and the “imprimatur”. In the 3rd and 4th editions, Father Hannibal added an appendix with the title: “Short Treatise on the Divine Will”, comprising of various extracts from Luisa’s volumes in chapter form and the “Small Collection of Pious Practices and Prayers” References: (The Kingdom of the Divine Will, the History of this Publication page 9); (The Sun of My Will, Luisa’s Writings page 144) Jesus revealed to Luisa that as the soul meditates on the Hours of the Passion, that He dictated to her, we assume his own humanity, we intercede for souls, we offer the Father reparation and satisfaction and we avert his divine justice.
  • Is there an overview of the Book of Heaven?
    Book of Heaven Volumes were inspired by Jesus and were written by Luisa Piccarreta. One view of the Volumes is that it is structured similarly to the building a house Another view of the Volumes is that it is structured systematically to guide us into living the life of the Divine Will.
  • What are Book of Heaven Study Groups about?
    The Book of Heaven Study Groups study the writings in the 36 volumes of BoH in a spiritual environment which is a structured, systematic methodology under the spiritual guidance of DWF Spiritual Director Frances Hogan. The writings in BoH are substantiated by scripture references as sourced by Frances Hogan – a work based on her lifelong dedication to the teaching of Sacred Scripture and Divine Will. Jesus says: “For however much knowledge enters into the soul, so much more is it stimulated to desire the Gift and to solicit the Divine Writer to sign His final signature so that the Gift is its own and the soul possesses it” Vol 18, Dec 25, 1925
  • How is Book of Heaven structured like the building of a house?
    This view of Book of Heaven is as follows: Volumes 01 - 04 The foundations of the house. They guide us into the perfection of the virtues Volumes 05- 10 Building the walls of the house Volumes 11- 12 Putting the roof on the house Volumes 13- 36 Changing a house into a home
  • How is the Book of Heaven also structured so as to guide us to live in Divine Will?
    ​This view of Book of Heaven is as follows: Volumes 01 - 10 Show us how to become a Divine image of Jesus Himself Volumes 11- 19 Show us how to live in the Divine Will through the power of the Holy Spirit Volumes 20- 36 Show us how to receive the Divine inheritance from the Father
  • How do Book of Heaven Groups meet?
    The BoH Study Groups can meet: online ~ operated on a Zoom platform in person – around the table in the home of the host or in your Parish Centre. ​ This method of learning to live Divine Will spirituality increases the knowledge and understanding of the truths contained in the volumes. There are a growing number of both online and face-to-face BoH Study Groups throughout Ireland and the world.
  • What is Divine Will Family?
    Divine Will Family(DWF) is a group of people committed to studying and operating with the Gift of Divine Will as revealed by God, through the writings of Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta (23/04/1865 – 04/03/1947).
  • What is Divine Will Family's purpose?
    The Mission for which Divine Will Family was established is the furtherance of Roman Catholic religion and the teachings of Jesus Christ through the promotion of Divine Will spirituality for the benefit of the people of Ireland and worldwide and to spread the Divine Will spirituality to the ends of the earth. The objective of DWF is to spread the knowledge and love of Divine Will to as many people as are called to live it. Jesus taught Luisa Piccarreta His plan for the new Era of the Divine Holiness and asked that His teachings be proclaimed as the apostles made known the gospels. The teachings are to re-establish the Lord’s Divine Will on earth after Adam chose his human will to sin. Jesus said in the Book of Heaven: “This is why I told you, many times that the mission of calling a soul to live in My Will is the greatest one, the highest and most sublime; there is no other that can match it”. Book of Heaven, Volume 14, August 23, 1922
  • Why join Divine Will Family?
    The instinct of the Church from the very beginning was to live in community because we are not meant to be loners. Everything was meant to be shared, so that each person could possess not just his own strength, but the strength of all of the group living in community. With this in mind we, in Divine Will Family, want to share the goodness and holiness of the Gift of Divine Will. The binding of the human race was to be in the Divine Will, with everybody supporting each other, in union, and with a common goal of reaching the highest sanctity, through the study, practice and the possession of Living in the Divine Will.
  • Where is Divine Will Family based?
    Divine Will Family Company Limited by Guarantee; trading as Divine Will Family and registered in Dublin Ireland, No: 721650
  • How did Divine Will Family originate?
    The Divine Will Family (DWF) had its origins in Ireland in the year 2010. It all began when Frances Hogan held weekly Scripture teachings and, subsequently, Divine Will teachings to groups of people around her kitchen table. From this Divine Will Family emerged. “For this is what the Lord has commanded us: I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth”. Acts 13:47 Frances Hogan responded to the calling of the Lord and imparted her knowledge, wisdom and love of the Lord to all who attended her classes. Her members grew spiritually as they were nourished on the Word and love of God, in Scripture and Divine Will Spirituality. DWF is under the providence of Divine Will and the guidance of our founder and Spiritual Director, Frances Hogan. DWF is now a national organisation, comprising of Book of Heaven Groups and Prayer Teams spread throughout Ireland. The organisation comprises of a group of Trustees/Members, Spiritual Director, Discernment Teams, Coordinator/Management Teams, BoH Study Group Leaders, Area Cenacle Leaders, Local Cenacle Leaders and general Members, all under the protection of the Blessed Trinity and the Holy Family.
  • Who is our chaplain?
    Fr. Con Doherty MSC
  • Who is our spiritual director?
    Frances Hogan
  • Why would Luisa need confession when she was in triple union with God?
    General response: Types of sin: 1. There is a major type of sin committed by those seriously out of relationship with God. This is a deadly sin and rebellion against God's Will. Repentance is essential for Salvation. 2. Then there is sin committed by those on their journey to Union with God. This is " venial", not deadly, but serious, depending on the level of selfishness, " human will" and refusal to surrender to God that is present. 3. Those who have reached Union with God don't have the first type of sin, nor do they have deliberate venial sin. Nevertheless, we have faults and failings right to the end of life. Luisa's Confession: 1. Luisa's confession in Volume 1 is a general confession of her whole life - which is necessary for anyone who wants to enter a deeper relationship with God. It is given for our instruction - to make sure that we know what to do. Throughout the 36 volumes Jesus put Luisa through experiences for our benefit. 2. Why did Luisa's confession last 7 hours? She was living in high Union with God, so it seems that such an experience was unnecessary. The reason why is that she was called to lead the Church into the Kingdom of the Divine Will, so Jesus needed her to be as pure as it was possible for a creature still on the Earth. Her soul had to be like crystal so that the Light of the Divine will could shine through without any shadow of earthiness or of the human will. He brought her to such a sinless condition that He actually removed all enticement to sin from her, and the effects of the original sin. This was a unique grace not given to the rest of us. She could only go into such massive detail because the Lord was present and guiding the proceedings. She could not have done it alone, unaided. 3. If we want to make a general confession of our lives it is necessary to prepare well for it. Pray a lot and listen to the Lord. He will bring things to mind that we have long forgotten. When you are ready, find a priest who will understand what you are trying to do. He will help you throughout. A very humble confession like that can be the stimulus for a life change for the priest also.
  • Who was Luisa Piccarreta?
    The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta was born in Corato in the Province of Bari, Italy on April 23, 1865 and died there in the odour of sanctity on March 4, 1947. Luisa from her very birth was given a mystical life. At the age of 17 she received the Mystical Union that Saint John of the Cross, Saint Teresa of Avila and Saint Catherine of Siena received right before they died. After this mystical Union Jesus asked Luisa if she would remain confined to bed and because of her “Fiat!”, He taught Luisa about the Life of the Divine Will, forming It first in her, and from her extending it to the whole world. For the next 64 years until her death Jesus had Luisa confined to bed, to keep her away from the contamination of the world, and basically not eating, drinking or sleeping. During this time she suffered as a Victim Soul. Luisa was nourished daily until her death by receiving the Most Holy Eucharist during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, celebrated in her room. This privilege was a special blessing given by Pope Leo XIII, Pope Saint Pius X and his predecessor. Pope John Paul II canonised one of her Spiritual Directors, Fr Annibale Maria di Francia. Pope Benedict XVI had a statue made of Fr. Annibale Maria di Francia and had it erected in the last niche in the Bell Tower in the Vatican. The writings in her 36 Volumes were sent to the Vatican and have been scrutinised by Canon Lawyers. They are approved as containing no doctrinal error and because they were written in an Italian specific to the region of Bari, have being re-written first in Italian in a Church-critical edition, and later will be translated into other languages. They are so precious that only the Vatican Press will be allowed to publish them. Luisa is awaiting canonization. Read more on the: Conclusion of the Diocesan phase of the Cause of beatification and canonization. See document below which can be accessed at:
  • Did Padre Pio know about Luisa?
    Padre Pio encouraged a convert of his, Federico Abresch, to visit Luisa and learn directly from her how to become an apostle of the Divine Will. Albresch visited Luisa regularly and they exchanged frequent correspondence. He set up weekly Divine Will cenacles which were attended by Adriana Pallotti to study Luisa’s Writings. Adriana’s Confessor and Spiritual Director was Padre Pio. A Father Bucci in his writings (“Luisa Piccarreta – collection of memories of the Servant of God”) confirmed that it was Padre Pio who encouraged Adriana to spread Luisa Piccarreta’s spirituality far and wide. In obedience to Padre Pio’s wishes, she opened the “House of Prayer for the Kingdom of the Divine Will” at San Giovanni Rotondo. When Luisa’s writings were condemned by the Holy Office and her works put on the Index, Padre Pio sent her this message through Federico Abresch: "Dear Luisa, saints serve for the good of souls, but their suffering knows no bounds". At that time Padre Pio was also in very great difficulties.
  • What was the conclusion of the diocesan phase of the cause of beatification and canonization of Luisa?
    of the diocesan phase of the Cause of beatification and canonization L'Osservatore Romano Vatican City, Sunday, September 4, 2005 (c) Osservatore Romano Article published in the Sunday edition of the official diary of the Vatican: on the conclusion of the diocesan phase, a brief profile of Luisa and a synthesis of her spirituality. ________________________________________ "L'OSSERVATORE ROMANO", Sunday, September 4, 2005 .- APOSTLE OF SALVIFIC SUFFERING, NOURISHED BY EUCHARISTIC SPIRITUALITY Conclusion of the diocesan phase of the Cause of beatification and canonization of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta Next October 29th, at the main church of the Apulian city of Corato, Mons. Giovan Battista Pichierri, Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie, will close the diocesan phase of the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta (1865-1947), a humble and hidden tertiary Dominican, "crucified" in a bed for over sixty years. With much prudence and as much constancy, all the Diocesan Bishops, one after another —beginning with the Dominican Mons.Reginaldo Giuseppe Maria Addazi, followed by Mons. Joseph Carata— did everything to rediscover and bring to light Luisa’s exemplary life experience, while the believers persevered in their ever-increasing devotion toward such an exceptional soul. REDISCOVERED AND REVALUED During these almost sixty years following her death, it has been intensified the most painstaking research of handwritten or printed writings of Luisa; many prayer groups and private associations have risen inspired in her spirituality, obtaining many benefits by reading the already published works. The Holy See gave the authorization to transfer the mortal remains of this Dominican Tertiary from the Corato’s Cemetery to her parish church of Saint Maria Greca. In the repurchased house on Via Nazario Sauro, which was the residence of the Servant of God for so many years, there has been canonically established the Pious Association of the "Little Children of the Divine Will." (Pia Associazione dei "Piccoli Figli della Divina Volontà"). Through mysterious ways, opened by Divine Providence, the figure and spirituality of the "Divine Will" of Luisa Piccarreta have been discovered and appreciated also by a large number of believers in both Americas. In the fortunate linking of the steps of revaluation, the Archbishop Mons. Carmelo Cassati has obtained from the competent Roman Congregations the nulla osta for the opening of the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God, which took place on November 20 of 1994, solemnity of Christ the King. And now we are finally at the conclusion of the first phase of the lengthy ascent to the honours of the altars. The memory of Luisa was never buried, nor her humble and extraordinary teachings, nor the testimony of her evangelical existence, nor the spiritual edification that magnetizes the souls to follow her example, and the blessings that continue to pour down from Heaven through her intercession. Three truly historical events have crowned the journey to approbation of Luisa Piccarreta in these last years: the International Congresses held at San José of Costa Rica in December 1995, at Corato in October 2002, and in briefly again in Corato, from the 27th to the 29th of October 2005. The International Congress of Costa Rica, which lasted eleven days, was held around five very concentrated presentations each day, or more appropriately called "meditations", centered on the Divine will as lived and taught by Luisa Piccarreta; they were accompanied by Eucharistic Celebrations and perpetual adoration (both diurnal and nocturnal) of the Blessed Sacrament. Some data may underline the significance of that memorable Congress: about two hundred attendees coming from sixteen American nations; representatives of Italy and India; various Bishops (among whom was the Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie, Mons. Cassati); about three hundred priests, one hundred and fifty seminarians, and many religious. TOWARD THE OCTOBER CONGRESS The 2002 Congress, held at the Oasis of Nazareth in Corato, with many participants coming from foreign countries, served to shed light on the status of the Cause. The next International Congress, anticipated for next October, on the occasion of the closing of the diocesan phase of the Cause of Beatification of Luisa, will help to bring to light the salient aspects regarding the person, the spirituality and the holiness of life of Luisa Piccarreta, in light of the testimonies and the documents retrieved during these last years. In respect to the Cause, already in 1994, just after the opening of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal and the publishing of the Archbishop’s edict for the collection of the names of witnesses to be interviewed, as well as of the writings of Luisa, it is verified that crowds of believers began to gather around the bed of the Servant of God to listen to her simple and enlightened lessons on the Divine Will, just as it had happened while she was alive. In fact, the first result of the process of beatification was the retrieval and the cataloguing of the diaries and publications of Luisa’s works. In 1996, Archbishop Mons. Cassati, upon formal request to the then Card. Joseph Ratzinger, obtained from the ex Holy Office a photocopy of the thirty-four autographic notebooks of the Servant of God, which had been appropriated in 1938 by the aforesaid Congregation. He then appointed some distinguished theologians to re-examine such writings and to judge the orthodoxy of the Luisa’s writings, which were needed for the proper procedural acts. Since her death, the fire of these writings has almost blazed like wildfire, and the Tribunal has now been able to ascertain their great importance and scope: a real mine of spirituality! Also, the diffusion of her works translated in many languages constitutes a devoted pilgrimage and a religious hearing of her simple, humble and effective word, proclaimed both with her life and with her writings. We shouldn’t believe, however, that the Servant of God was a graphomaniac or a person who wrote a lot to draw attention to herself. Rather, she was a person extremely reluctant to dictate or to put into writing the fruits of the prolonged nighttime contemplations in her loving dialogues with her bridegroom, Jesus. She acquiesced only out of obedience to her confessors, to Don Gennaro De Gennaro, her first confessor, and then to St. Hannibal Maria Di Francia, her spiritual guide and promoter of the first publications. It was the Tribunal's concern append to the facts a rich dossier of testimonies, which were collected and recorded in the '70s, before the opening of the formal Process by Father Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci, on authorization of Archbishop Mons. Carata, so that they would not be lost, given the advanced age of the witnesses de visu et ex auditu, now, in fact, deceased. Upon formally interviewing the above-mentioned, surviving witnesses —who were all invited to give testimonies under oath— a unanimous consent was reached regarding the holiness and heroic exercise of the theological and cardinal virtues of the Servant of God; any secret is violated if we affirm that their unanimous opinion is even more valid because it is perfectly consistent with the context of the unchanged and always growing testimony of devotion among people today. Through their answers, the members of the Tribunal, under the guidance of the Postulator of the Cause, Don Lattanzio, seemed to experience again the enthusiasm of the four days of exposition of Luisa’s body at the triumphal funeral of that prophetic March 1947, apotheosis and crowning of her terrestrial existence. A pale profile of the main characteristics of Luisa, which remained impressed, include the following: Luisa Piccarreta already enjoyed in life, by people’s opinion, the appellative of "saint" and, as already mentioned, all called her and still call her "Luisa the Saint." This opinion doesn't intend to anticipate the final judgment of the Holy Mother Church —even if it remains an ardent desire!— but it denotes only a judgment of the people, strongly struck by her simplicity, transparency and holiness. Never was there seen in her the desire for the sensational or extraordinary phenomena: her existence was conducted for over sixty years in sufferings, in union with the suffering Jesus; in uniformity with the Will of God, to which she consecrated her life with a vow, as victim soul, and with the grace that she asked God of not having visible marks on her body; doing the work she was able to do (embroidery, work done on a cushion with hanging needles) and teaching it to her students; lived in poverty and absolute detachment from earthly things, in a state of continuous prayer. Among the everyday routine of her duties there was only one extraordinary phenomenon: the regime of her food intake and the nighttime bodily stiffening that she called "my usual state.” According to those who assisted her, Luisa ate very little, without suffering any damage to her health. There was only one thing that she could not do without: the Holy Eucharist. She recounts in her autobiography that since her teenage years: "Communion became my predominant passion. In It I centralized all my affections. I was happy to hear Jesus speaking; and it cost me very much to be deprived of It, when my family forced me to go with them to the farm house, leaving me many months without Mass and without Communion.” CONVERSATIONS WITH HER BRIDEGROOM Her conversations with her Divine Bridegroom extended long into the night, causing her a stiffening of her limbs, from which she could be awakened only upon a call to obedience by the priest that went daily to her house to celebrate Holy Mass or to bring her Holy Communion. The rest of the day was spent between working and smiling welcome to those who went to visit her for counsel and comfort. Don Benedict Calvi, her last confessor and inimitable promoter of her name and writings, said: "Her bed turned into a marvellous desk from which, with wisdom and divine unction, she intimately changed many souls. More than few people left her little room visibly changed, surprised, touched, and... ready to purify themselves with a Holy Confession." To everybody she gave the example of a normal, daily, working, and consistent holiness, in the simplicity and humility of life, in her brief exhortations, in her striving for supernatural intentions, and in the perfection of her actions: precisely the style of holiness that is currently looked for by the great majority of believers. The characterizing spirituality of the life, speech and writings of the Servant of God was mainly centered on "doing the Will of God", "being the little daughter of the Divine Will" and "being the missionary of the Kingdom of God’s Will," in light of the affirmation of Jesus: "My food is to do the Will of Him who sent me" (John 4: 34), and in light of the famous prayer of the Dominican St. Albert the Great: "Lord, I would like to be a man according to your beloved Will." The exhortations, the diaries, the books, the counsels were, therefore, given in light of the "fiat voluntas tua," as Jesus did, taught, and told us to do in the “Our Father” prayer. From this fulcrum is explained the constant and heroic exercise of Luisa’s virtues, especially her imperturbable serenity in the tests that she had to endure. During her life, in fact, she was often seen visited, examined, observed, and questioned by ecclesiastical authorities, by superiors, by priests, and by religious of strong theological and ascetic culture; yet, she perfectly remained serene, and above all, humble and obedient to the Will of God, which was manifested to her through the Church and her ministers. And now it seems that this same august Divine Will is manifesting Itself in removing all the obstacles to the promotion and diffusion of a spirituality that is greatly needed for the salvation of humanity. As a teacher and missionary of the Divine Will, she promoted it not "with words of human wisdom", in an areopagus of wise men of the earth, but as a fruit of her great love for God, as a humble woman of the people, with a degree of culture barely elementary, and with an existence almost buried and "hidden with Christ in God" (Col. 3: 3). SPIRIT OF OBEDIENCE There glows in the Servant of God her spirit and practice of obedience to the Holy Church. We have already mentioned her acts of obedience in her writing and in her daily exits from "her usual state." Her full submission to the will of her ecclesiastical superiors has been considered the most radiant pearl of her soul. She herself —it is worth noticing— instilled such feelings into the minds of the priests involved in her life. Therefore, she was always held in high esteem by all the Archbishops of her Diocese, by the local priests, and by the religious that visited her. Luisa remains in the heavens as a luminary of this virtue, in an era which is not free of confrontations, fruits of the "not serviam" spirit so widespread in relations within the Church, the family, nations and social groups. A last touch for an almost complete spiritual profile of the Servant of God arises from the conclusions of the Process: she was an apostle of salvific suffering. Contemporary man, who trusts in the certainties of his scientific-technological and social conquests, tries to flee from the mystery of the cross and from the pains of suffering; he interprets suffering as an annihilation of his dignity; he doesn't understand it, and he intends to eliminate it from history. With evangelical wisdom, Luisa Piccarreta presents the cross in concrete and accessible terms and with incisive examples, as a remedy and health for the world. In her life the cross becomes a fruitful suffering when is united with Christ crucified and always mystically immolated in the Eucharist; the cross then becomes a suffering full of love, a suffering willingly hidden and always in line and in tune to the Fiat pronounced in Nazareth and renewed on the Calvary by the Most Holy Virgin Mary, to whom Luisa was very devoted. Therefore, never complaints, but only union with Christ, victim of reparation for sins and pleading before the justice of God on behalf of men: she reminds us that to the divine chalice, overflowing with the merits of the patient Christ, we need to add the drop of man, in order to cooperate with His own work of Redemption. To all those who asked her to implore from God relief from the pains of life, she ever reminded them of the sublimating value of suffering, which she embraced in her Via Crucis to the Gethsemane up to the "consummatum est" of March 7, 1947. We believe that we are not exaggerating if we affirm that Luisa Piccarreta became a creature that left indelible signs of her charismas, of her spiritual faculties and of her developed apostolate and, for mysterious dispositions of God's Will, she now shines as a star in the firmament of Christ's holiness, whose light is refracted in many aspects to her brothers and sisters united to her. The spirit of the virtues practiced by Luisa has remained on earth and is growing ever greater, notwithstanding so much time that has passed, becoming an example and a stimulus for all to follow the same way of holiness. May this humble lay woman, both old and perpetually young in the freshness of her flesh, tortured by a long and inexplicable illness (for which a precise diagnosis was never found!), all peace, serenity, humility and innocence, intercede from Heaven for us wandering pilgrims, and obtain for us celestial protection. P. SABINO LATTANZIO Postulator P. PIETRO CIRASELLI Delegated Judge
  • Why was Luisa chosen by Jesus?
    When Jesus chose to return the Gift to mankind, He chose Luisa “the littlest soul on the earth” with the stain of Original Sin on her soul, and through her He says the time is now ready for the return of the gift of Living in the Divine Will to all others with the stain of original sin who desire to gain the knowledge and operate with the Gift of Divine Will.
  • Who was Fr. Bernardino Bucci?
    Father Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci was one of the last living personal witnesses of Luisa. He was born in Corato and became a Franciscan Priest. He was the nephew of Rosaria Bucci (1898-1978), who was Luisa’s faithful and silent confidant. Rosaria lived with Luisa and assisted her for forty years. She was one of the first Disciples of the Divine Will. Father Bucci always kept alive the memory of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta and her writings and recalls what his aunt said about Luisa: "During my confession Padre Pio told me that Luisa is not a human factor, she is a work of God and He Himself will make her emerge. The world will be astounded at her greatness; not many years will pass before this happens. The new millennium will see Luisa’s light“. Fr. Bucci, OFM became a member of the Tribunal for the Cause for Beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, and he gave this advice regarding studying the writings of Luisa: … “Some prerequisites are required in order to enter into the writing of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta: profound Eucharistic formation, devotion to the Most Holy Virgin, total submission to priestly authority; all her writings must be read and meditated upon in the light of Sacred Scripture and the infallible magisterium of the Church.” Div
  • What are Luisa's Writings?
    In addition to the 36 volumes of the Book of Heaven, Luisa also wrote the following: The Christmas Novena. The 24 Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will. The Rounds of the Soul in the Divine Will.
  • What are the Book of Heaven Volumes about?
    Through Luisa, Jesus told her Confessor, St. Annibale Maria Di Francia, that these 36 Volumes are to be called: “The Book of Heaven.” The 36 Volumes were divinely inspired by Jesus and can be viewed as being structured like the way a house is built to guide us into living in the Divine Will. Volumes 1- 4 are like the foundations of a house. They guide us in the perfection of the virtues. Volumes 5-10 are like building the walls of the house. Volumes 11-12 are like putting the roof on - Volumes 13-36 are like changing a house into a home. Spiritually they can also be viewed as a progression under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Volumes 1-10 show us how to become a Divine Image of Jesus Himself. Volumes 11-19 show us how to “Live” in the Divine Will through the Power of the Holy Spirit. Volumes 20-36 show us how to receive the Divine Inheritance of the Father.
  • What is the Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will
    In the late 1920’s the Virgin Mary frequently appeared to Luisa in her little bed in the afternoon, and revealed to her the events in her life – from her Immaculate Conception to her bodily Assumption into heaven. On May 6, 1930 Luisa finished writing down these revelations from Mary, which are presented in this book entitled, “The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will”.
  • What is the 24 Hours of the Passion?
    In 1882, after having written her Christmas Novena, Luisa had an unexpected vision of the Infant Jesus who invited her to aspire to a higher level of grace and love. He exhorted her to meditate each hour of the day upon the corresponding 24 hours of His Passion and Death on the Cross. She did this on a daily basis, and 31 years later, in 1913 and 1914, Luisa was placed under obedience to write down these meditations, now known as “The Hours of the Passion”
  • What is the Christmas Novena?
    At the age of seventeen Luisa composed the Christmas Novena which she refers to as The Nine Excesses of Love. She never ceased to recite this novena until her death.
  • Has anyone lived in the Divine Will before Luisa?
    The first person to receive the Gift was Adam and then Eve, who lost it through Original Sin. But God promised through Redemption that we would be redeemed and brought back to the original Order, to the Place and the Purpose for which we were created by God. And when Jesus was on earth, He gave us only one prayer, the Our Father, in which He has us continuously pray with these words for its restoration: ‘THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN’ The third person to live in the Divine Will was Our Most Holy Mother, Mary. God preserved our Blessed Mother from being born with the stain of Original Sin and she was born with the Gift of Living in the Divine Will to enable the Son of Man to come on earth to redeem us. Our Blessed Mother told Luisa Piccarreta that from the first moment of her Conception, she was shown the fallen state of the human race and she chose to put her own will aside and place it at the foot of the Throne of God. She tells us she never once did her own will but continuously lived in the Divine Will. The fourth person to live in the Divine Will was Jesus Christ, the Man-God.
  • What is the Catholic Church's stance on Divine Will?
    St. Hannibal di Francia - who had been Luisa's extraordinary confessor - gave the nihil obstat to the first 19 volumes of Luisa's writings during his lifetime. The Church appointed him censor librorum to Luisa's writings. In 1915 he gave the nihil obstat and imprimatur to Luisa's Hours of the Passion. He sent a copy to the bishops and archbishops of that time because of its importance, asking them to make it widely known. He himself was canonised in 2004 by Pope St. John Paul 11. In an address to the Rogationist Fathers founded by Hannibal di Francia, Pope St. John Paul 11 said: " St. Hannibal saw the means God himself had provided to bring about the 'new and divine holiness' with which the Holy Spirit wishes to enrich Christians at the dawn of the third millennium, in order to 'make Christ the heart of the world'" In a letter dated Feb 14, 1927 to Luisa Piccarreta, St Hannibal said: I have totally dedicated myself to the great work of the Divine Will. He was the chief apostle of Luisa's writings. Her writings were locked away in the Vatican for (40?) years until Cardinal Ratzinger released them in 1994, allowing them to be widely read by the faithful. 2005: The process for Luisa's cause of canonisation began. 2011: The new Religious Community dedicated to the Divine Will received approval from the Vatican: Benedictines of the Divine Will, who live in Italy. 2012: Fr, Joseph Iannuzzi successfully defended and subsequently published his Doctoral Dissertation on The gift of living in the Divine Will according to the writings of Luisa Piccarreta. This was unanimously approved by the Gregorian University in Rome. 2013: Stephen Patton's book A guide to the Book of Heaven received the imprimatur. 2016: Notre Dame professor Fr. Edward O'Connor published Living in the Divine Will: the grace of Luisa Piccarreta. 2016: The Vatican itself published a biography of the Servant of God LP - with a preface by Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, prefect emeritus of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints - strongly endorsing Luisa and her messages. 2016: Luisa was given her own entry into the Vatican's Dictionary of Mysticism. [ This information can be got from Professor Daniel O'Connor's book: Thy Will be Done. Another VIP resource is his massive tome called The Crown of Sanctity. There are other resources but I think that this answers the question quite well!]
  • How does the Book of Heaven guide us into the Divine Will?
    Volumes 01 - 10 show us how to become a Divine Image of Jesus Himself Volumes 11 - 19 show us how to “Live” in the Divine Will through the Power of the Holy Spirit. Volumes 20 - 36 show us how to “Live” in the Divine Will through the Power of the Holy Spirit
  • Is there a difference between doing God's will and living in God's will?
    Before the return of the gift, the saints of old could only live in their human will and doing the Will of God, which means complying with God’s orders. In this state we live as a servant. With the Gift we live in the Divine Will united “with Jesus operating/reigning in us”.
  • How does Divine Will affect the souls in purgatory?
    With reference to Volume 20 - Nov 3, 1926. The first thing to look at are the billions of souls from every generation, every nation and every religion etc. These are all in the realms of Divine Mercy and Justice - beyond our knowledge or understanding In Luisa's writings Jesus is speaking about Catholics - who should know about the 10 Commandments and about doing God's Will in their lives. Just as the Chosen People are judged on their Covenant of Justice (Jn 5:45) so we are judged by our Covenant of Love (Jn 5:22). In the Nov 3, 1926 teaching, Jesus explains to Luisa that the souls in Purgatory are not some gelatinous mass which can be pushed about by our prayers on earth. Each one has an individual relationship with God depending on how they lived on earth. 1. If that soul died with a good relationship to God they are truly open to being helped by the Mystical Body on earth because they are part of it, and can receive the nourishment sent to them to deal with their needs. 2. If a soul was indifferent to God on earth they have not developed the ways to receive what is sent to them, and may spend a long time in Purgatory in order to merit God's Mercy which is implored by the Church on earth. Example: If I have poor eyesight - and no glasses - I am unable to see what others can see. It's that simple. I must get glasses to help the souls in Purgatory need the suffrages of the Church to help them on their way to Heaven. Now to deal with the past: this was before the revelation of the Divine Will. The Past belongs to the era before the Divine Will, so different rules apply. It was the era of Redemption. Yes, if people offered their sufferings united with Jesus' sufferings, while doing God's Will to the best of their ability God used that to benefit the Holy Souls, but He didn't explain how He did it. In fact, that is the position of the whole church today - apart from those living in the Divine Will! Finally, the thing we must remember is the sheer number of souls needing our help. One of the things we can do for all those gone before us is to gather their suffrages and glaze them with the Divine Will. Join them to the reparations of Jesus in His Passion. Afterwards in the Divine Will offer reparation and substitution for all suffrages done at a lesser level and then re-offer them to God on behalf of the whole church for all time Past Present Future. This is the greatest thing you can do for the Church and for the Holy Souls.
  • What does it mean to live in the Divine Will?
    Living in the Divine Will means putting aside our human will and "living with just one Will" and that is God's Will.
  • In what way can the Book of Heaven be viewed as building a house?
    Volumes 01 - 04 the foundations of a house. They guide us in the perfection of the virtues Volumes 05 - 10 building the walls of the house Volumes 11 - 12 putting the roof on the house Volumes 13 - 36 changing a house into a home. ​ Volumes 01 - 10 show us how to become a Divine Image of Jesus Himself Volumes 11 - 19 show us how to “Live” in the Divine Will through the Power of the Holy Spirit. Volumes 20 - 36 show us how to “Live” in the Divine Will through the Power of the Holy Spirit
  • How did Jesus restore the gift of Divine Will?
    Jesus dictated 36 Volumes to Luisa on guiding her and us on how to live in the Kingdom of the Divine Will. He told her the knowledge of the Gift was of extreme importance, and likened it to one giving a person what looked like two stones, only one of the stones was a diamond, without the knowledge of knowing this, the diamond would be discarded because of it’s unknown value.
  • How does marriage relate to God's will?
    Human marriage is God's Will! Genesis chapter 2 shows God uniting Adam and Eve Himself and He did this so that the Human Race could continue to exist, and also that they could journey through life with the help of each other. What God wants is that we will love one another WITH His Love and IN His love - not just with human love. Also that we would conduct our human marriage in such a way that He can draw both spouses to Himself in His Divine Will. This is why He Himself elevated marriage to a sacrament so that it becomes a source of grace for both spouses and their children. The Church has many married saints to prove this. We need to realise that WE are not called to live the same solitary life that Luisa was called to: this was HER special calling because she was to be the head of the generation that lives in the Divine Will and Jesus needed her complete attention in order to accomplish this. Each of us has our own calling through which we glorify God and become a blessing to our brothers and sisters on the earth. The main attachment that the Lord wants us to get rid of is the attachment to our own SELF and to our own way of doing things - to make gains for ourselves in both material and spiritual things. We have to stop worshipping ourselves if we are to be able to love anyone, human or divine! Marriage gives you daily opportunities to die to yourself and therefore to grow in love for your neighbour - your nearest neighbours being your spouse and your children, whom you must love with God's love so that they can grow to become godly themselves.
  • What is Divine Will Spirituality?
    Divine Will spirituality is not a devotion. It’s a way of life, returned to us following the Fall of Adam, who initially was given the Gift from God. The return of this Gift is to enable mankind to return to the way Adam lived before the Fall. Divine Will Spirituality is the crown and completion of all spirituality, so you need to have a great deal of spirituality behind you; and then you become a beginner in Divine Will.
  • What are the Rounds of the Soul in the Divine Will?
    These Rounds are known as the Rounds of Creation, Redemption and Sanctification. The purpose of Man’s existence is to give love and glory to God, not only on his own behalf but on behalf of his brothers and sisters, substituting for all, and also on behalf of all Creation which is fixed in God’s Will without a voice. Man is expected to use his voice on behalf of Creation to give love and glory to God. And to return love and glory and reparation to God for the Work of Creation, Redemption and Sanctification.
  • How do you know when the Divine Will has triumphed in you?
    Frances' Answer: This question is both an important and a frequent one, but it is very difficult to answer! What goes on between the soul and God is very private - even the soul itself does not understand, unless the Lord illuminates it. It is clear from Luisa's writings that even she was not fully cognisant of what the Lord was accomplishing in her. He had to explain it over and over, and even after that she would still ask Him in the highest volumes for more clarification. All we know is that if you try to live in the Divine Presence and in His Will to the best of your ability, He promises to do everything else for us. LET ME DO! He says so frequently to Luisa - who thinks that she IS 'letting Him do'! You are, in fact, living in His Will, but there are layers in the soul that are dealt with only through trials and difficulties, so these events bring out hidden motivations and desires that must be cleansed and purified as we go along. 1) Our thinking must be purified so that, as St. Paul said, "we have the mind of Christ", 1 Cor:2:16. 2) Human emotions have to be purified so that our responses to everything are those of Christ Himself. 3) The human will itself has to be purified to be able to rest in the Divine Will without disturbance. It is during trying circumstances that the hesitations of human surrender are seen and dealt with. Confirmation of the gift of Divine Will comes with the final surrender, so that, as Jesus Himself says, you and He become inseparable. The human will is now permanently sacrificed to the Divine - like our Blessed Mother who never did her own will. *Not many achieve this in this life even though that is exactly what the Lord wants. It is achieved with the total sacrifice of the human will on a permanent basis, so that we return to our origin before The Fall, living in permanent communion with God, so that God reigns on Earth as He does in Heaven. *Many people are living in the Divine Will now, but not in its totality. They are pilgrims on the way to this glorious destiny. Nevertheless, all their acts done in the Divine Will are infinite in value, and they help the whole of Humanity to move towards its destiny in God. The more acts they do the more they progress towards the goal, until all their breathing, seeing, hearing, moving, working, etc is all in the Divine Will. Then God truly lives and works in us and through us, His kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.
  • How long has the gift of Divine Will been available?
    This Gift has been available from the time of Luisa writings. Up to now we only have permission to study copies of her writings. Their print in book form is prohibited until the Vatican Press print them.
  • What did Hannibal di Francia say about Luisa?
    Saint Hannibal Di Francia wrote the following about Luisa: “Our Lord, who always makes the marvels of His love grow and grow, century after century, seems with this virgin, whom He calls the littlest one He found on earth, barren of every kind of education, to have wanted to form her into a perfect instrument for a mission so sublime, to which no other can compare."
  • When did Fr. Hannibal di Francia meet Luisa?
    Fr Hannibal met Luisa around the year 1910 and knew her for approximately 17 years. He was her Extraordinary Confessor. He was the first to publish Luisa’s writings on the Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ” which Luisa wrote around 1913/14, which bore the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur. In his last years, the Archbishop of Trani, Bishop Leo, appointed him Director over everything referring to the publication of Luisa's writings. Saint Hannibal abandoned any other work, because of the urgency he felt in publishing her writings.
  • Who was St Hannibal di Francia?
    St Hannibal is said to be an Apostle of the Divine Will. He was assigned, by the Bishop, authority over all of Luisa's writings and was responsible for the publishing of her initial works. Jesus spoke with Luisa about the importance of his contribution to expanding the knowledge of the Divine Will. St John Paul II proclaimed Hannibal Maria Di Francia Blessed on October 7, 1990 and Saint on May 16, 2004.
  • How did Fr. Hannibal di Francia become associated with Luisa Piccarreta?
    Volume 20, November 6, 1926 Jesus said to Luisa: “once I have completed everything, I will entrust my Kingdom to my ministers, so that, like second apostles of the Kingdom of My Will, they may be the criers of It. Do you think that the coming of Father Di Francia, who shows so much interest and who has taken to heart the publication of what regards My Will, came by chance? No, no – I Myself disposed it. It is a providential act of the Supreme Will that wants him as first apostle of the Divine Fiat and proclaimer of It. And since he happens to be the founder of an order, it is easier for him to approach bishops, priests and people, also within his own institute, in order to proclaim the Kingdom of My Will. This is why I assist him so much and I give him special light, because in order to understand My Will it takes great graces – not little lights, but sun, to comprehend a Divine, Holy and Eternal will, as well as great disposition on the part of the one to whom this office is entrusted.”
  • How did Hannibal di Francia become canonised?
    When he died in Messina, on June 1st, 1927, he was comforted by the vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom he had loved so much during his life. Pope Saint John Paul II proclaimed him Blessed on 7th October, 1990, and canonised him a saint on 16th May, 2004. Pope Benedict XVI had a life size statue made of St Hannibal di Francia and had it erected in the last niche on the exterior of the Bell Tower in St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican. The statue was made from a block of marble from Corato, Italy. Pope Benedict blessed the statue on 7th July 2010 with hundreds of people in attendance. Hannibal di Francia is represented with a Bible in one hand opened at the Chapter where Jesus asks for prayer for vocations: “Ask [Rogate] the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers to gather his harvest”(Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2).
  • Did Jesus say anything to Luisa about Hannibal di Francia?
    Volume 23 – February 28, 1928 Jesus said to Luisa “…And do you think that the memory of Father Di Francia, his many sacrifices and desires to make my Will known, to the point of initiating the publication, will be extinguished in this great work of my Divine Fiat, only because I brought him with Me to Heaven? No, no; on the contrary, he will have the first place, because by coming from far away, he went as though in search of the most precious thing that can exist in Heaven and on earth, of the act that glorifies Me the most, or rather, will give Me complete glory on the part of creatures, and they will receive complete goods. He prepared the ground so that my Divine Will might be known; so much so, that he spared nothing, neither expenses, nor sacrifices; and even though the publication did not have its completion, by even just initiating it he prepared the ways so that one day the work of my Will in the midst of creatures can be known and have life… So, when this great work becomes known, his name, his memory, will be full of glory and of splendour, and he will have his prime act in a work so great, both in Heaven and on earth.
  • Did Fr. Hannibal di Francia complete his mission concerning the Divine Will?
    Volume 21, March 19, 1927 Luisa writes “I was preoccupied about the health of Rev. Father Di Francia, because his letters which I received were almost alarming. I thought about the fate of my writings… Where would they end up? If Our Lord decided to call him to his Heavenly rest, then his mission of publishing the knowledge about the Fiat would be without its fruit… At the most one could say that he has begun, that he has the good will to do the publication, but who knows how much time will be needed to complete a work so lengthy? Now as I was thinking that, my sweet Jesus moved within my interior, and He said to me: “My daughter, whoever has been given a mission and has barely had an opportunity to begin, or has not been able to complete the entirety of his missions because at the best moment I call him to Heaven, will continue from up there his mission, so that it may bring into the depths of the soul its deposit of good relating to the knowledge which he has acquired in life. In Heaven he will understand with greater clarity and understanding the great good of the knowledge of the Supreme Fiat. He will pray the Fiat, indeed he will ask all of Heaven to pray, that the knowledge be known throughout the earth; he will beseech that clearer light be given to whoever must work in making It known…”
  • Membership of Local Cenacle Prayer Teams
    Therefore, this Kingdom exists – there is nothing left but to make It known, so as to let all the goods It contains go out into the field. Book of Heaven, Volume 20, December 29, 1926 ​ Cenacle members are invited to join Divine Will Family Local Cenacle Prayer Teams. They will be inspired by example of how those, who are living in Divine Will, live their lives in loving God and loving their neighbour. New members are welcomed into DWF Local Cenacles and introduced to Divine Will way of life gently by Local Cenacle Leaders, and the Local Cenacle Prayer Team in their prayer meetings. Those who are introduced to these writings and begin to explore them will become aware, very early on, that the writings are indeed Jesus’ teachings as dictated to Luisa throughout the thirty six volumes of the Book of Heaven, The Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, The Rounds of the Soul in The Divine Will and other writings by Luisa. ​ One who goes on to study these writings and follow the teachings will receive the greatest gift offered to mankind, The Gift of the Divine Will, which enables them to possess the Will of The Blessed Trinity and live in It as do the inhabitants of Heaven.
  • How do I register a local cenacle prayer team with DWF website?
  • Role and Responsibilities of Local Cenacle Leaders (LCLs)
    We invite Divine Will Family members to set up local Cenacles in prayer and discernment. Here are the steps to be a Local Cenacle Leader. ​ Complete DWF Volunteer Form and meet your Area Cenacle Leader in advance of setting up your Cenacle Agree upon receipt of approval from your Area Cenacle Leader, set-up your Local Cenacle on behalf of DWF in accordance with all of DWF’s Policies and Procedures as amended from time to time and set out by DWF Coordinate the successful running of DWF in your locality Identify and welcome new Divine Will members into DWF Coordinate activities, classes and events in your Local Cenacle Undertake to promptly register the name and address of your Local Cenacle and submit all details to DWF by submitting their details to the Area Cenacle Leader or uploading the details on DWF website. For the avoidance of doubt it is only necessary to register as a member of DWF regular attendees and this excludes occasional guests / visitors attending your Local Cenacle from time to time who are not members of DWF Liaise with your Area Cenacle Leader (ACL) Participate in Area Cenacle Meetings organised by the ACL
  • About Local Cenacle Prayer Teams
    This is why I told you many times that the mission of calling a soul to live in My Will is the greatest one, the highest and the most sublime; there is no other that can match it. ​ Book of Heaven, Volume 14, August 23, 1922 ​ DWF Local Cenacle Prayer Teams’ members calling is to live and pray in Divine Will, while encouraging each other to know and grow deeper in relationship with God by example of how they are living in God’s Divine Will. ​ DWF supports Local Cenacle Team members, to love God, family and neighbour by living in Divine Will and praying for all souls ~ past present and future, in every parish, throughout the country and world. ​ The purpose of the cenacle is that members will meet locally in a community spirit of fulfilling the Lords’ Prayer in bringing about God’s Kingdom on earth. ​ “Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven”. Matthew 6:10 Local Cenacles can have any number of members from two-upwards. However, it is envisaged that Local Cenacle membership might be between 7 and 10 members. They can meet in person or virtually as suits each group. ​ It is anticipated by DWF that everyone wishing to live in Divine Will be part of a Local Divine Will community, participating in a Divine Will Family Local Cenacle. ​ The Local Cenacles are the foundation blocks from which The Divine Will Family Organising Structure rises, which will be made up of all members of Divine Will Family. ​ “Jesus said to them: ‘Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation” Mark 16:15 For this is what the Lord has commanded us: “I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.” Acts 13:47
  • Local Cenacle Leaders
    Enlarge the place of your tent; stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, spare not; lengthen your cords and strengthen your pegs. Isaiah 54:2 The scripture quotation above from Isaiah 54:2 is an inspired message Frances Hogan received from the Holy Spirit at the outset of DWF setting up DWF Local Cenacles in 2021 and encourages us to open our hearts and share our homes by hosting our friends and neighbours in Divine Will Prayer for the salvation of all souls past present and future. Each Local Cenacle is led by a Local Cenacle Leader to facilitate, lead and coordinate the Divine Will Family locally; to help people come to a deeper meaningful relationship with Jesus in the Crown of Sanctity; and to make Divine Will known and accessible to each and every soul. Local Cenacle Leaders will participate in ongoing spiritual development and are Commissioned and supported in practical ways by DWF. Local Cenacle Leaders are supported by Area Cenacle Leaders who coordinate each area around the country. “Come follow Me and I will make you fishers of men. And at once they left their nets and followed Him” Matthew 4:19
  • Format for Local Cenacle Meetings
    A Local Cenacle Leader will lead the Local Cenacle. New members will be welcomed into DWF and introduced to different aspects of living in Divine Will. A Divine Will Prayer Group may use one of the following formats: • Divine Will way of life • Divine Will intimate relationship and walk with the Lord • Divine Will Prayer Group • Divine Will Hours of the Passion • Divine Will Contemplative Prayer • Divine Will Classes studying the Volumes of the Book of Heaven • DWF Small Study Groups - revising teachings from classes • Living in Divine Will - on earth as It is in Heaven • Studying themes from Divine Will ​ ‘Your task is great, because I have entrusted to you my Divine Will, so that by making It known, you may place Its rights in safety - so very unknown to the human generations. The goods that will come will be immense, and you and I will be twice happy for having worked for the formation of this Kingdom’.” Volume 19, September 15, 1926 ​ With you, it is not only about living in It, but about forming It, therefore your Jesus must abound very much with you, to give you the raw materials for the formation of a Kingdom so holy… The sacrifices that one who has to form a kingdom must make are not necessary for those who come to the decision of wanting to live in that Kingdom. Therefore, I just want you to work in the formation of the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, and your Jesus will take care of all the rest.” Volume 20, October 2, 1926 ​ ​ Local Cenacles are local by nature and are comprised of members of the locality/parish/community. The purpose of the cenacle is that members will meet locally in a family/community spirit of fulfilling the Lords’ Prayer and aiming to bring about the restoration of the Catholic Church in Ireland and beyond. ​ “Your kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven." Matthew 6:10 For this is what the Lord has commanded us: “I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.” Acts 13:47
  • Area Cenacle Leaders
    This is why I told you many times that the mission of calling a soul to live in my will is the greatest one, the highest and the most sublime; there is no other that can match it. Book of Heaven, Volume 14, August 23, 1922 The Area Cenacle Leader manages the area and supports the Local Cenacle Leaders, who in turn give leadership to the Local Divine Will Family Cenacle. Area Cenacle Leaders will participate in development programmes supported by ongoing spiritual guidance and fellowship by DWF.
  • Local Cenacle Formation
    Cenacles will be locally based and will be facilitated by Local Cenacle Leaders with the support of the Area Coordinator. Cenacles may assemble and grow “organically” or be assembled after being organised in an area. Each Cenacle will have a Leader who will guide and support the members in their prayer and or study activities. Membership can consist of from two to preferably not more than ten members. If members are not already systemically studying the volumes or in a zoom teaching class they may join one. Divine Will Prayer groups and groups doing The Hours of The Passion may be guided by the Local Leader, with the support of the Area Cenacle Leader. Cenacle Members will register with the LCL, who in turn registers them with the Area Cenacle Leader for entry to the data base system under GDPR compliance. As membership increases in a Cenacle, a second Cenacle may be established to facilitate new emerging requirements. All local Cenacles are recommended to meet weekly. Each Cenacle will choose and decide on a name for their Cenacle, which will usually be related to, and consistent with Divine Will teaching. All requests for guest speakers and any activity organised, which involves the drawing in of members from other Local Cenacles are coordinated through the Area Cenacle Leader to maintain unity of purpose and avoid unnecessary duplication. Local Cenacles may be innovative in attracting new members while being discerning in their decision on who to approach. They are advised to avoid indiscriminate distribution of Divine Will material. Cenacle members will attract new members to Divine Will Family by their example of living in Divine Will.
  • Area Cenacle Leader role
    Role & Responsibilities of Area Cenacle Leaders(ACL) Personal Walk with the Lord in Divine Will: Have a deep and mature relationship with the Lord and a solid foundation and knowledge of Divine Will Spirituality, by living as best one can in Divine Will Area: Coordinate the Local Cenacles in your area, by staying in touch with the current Local Cenacle Leaders (LCL’s) and be a support to them in running their Divine Will Family (DWF) Cenacles Growing Divine Will: Developing new DWF Cenacles in the area and appointing new LCL’s … helping them complete the Volunteer Application Form and assessing them for the role of Local Cenacle Leader and making a recommendation to the National Cenacle Leader and AC Leader Team for acceptance as LCL. Admin: Ensure all members of Local Cenacles are registered in DWF and working with AC Leaders in general development for the areas as appropriate; give feedback to DWF on suggestions for development etc. Developing LCL’s: Be part of the ongoing development of LCL’s by sharing knowledge and information as appropriate eg informing them of any upcoming programmes: Meetings, Gatherings, Retreats, Events or other relevant news items etc. Support with Challenging Situations/complaints/issues: being a support for LCL’s and/or deal with unresolved issues which may need to be referred to the Ethics Committee for resolution Deepen Divine Will Spirituality of Your People in your Area: Nurture the Ethos and Essence of DWF … the Essence of Divine Will Family in your area. Arrange if appropriate guest speakers to come to your area, along with the support of the LCL’s and with the approval of the Board of DWF. Teamwork: communicate with other Area Cenacle Leaders and develop plans for bringing God’s Divine Word to all people in Ireland and beyond and work with DWF in other areas of calling by the Lord Partner: work with your Support ACL sharing the work while being open to new ways as the Lord deems appropriate and by being an ambassador for the Lord in your area. DWF trusts this gives you an overview of the role and responsibilities of ACL’s. Being an ACL is mostly listening to what God wants and getting out of your own way, so He can fulfill …His kingdom come on earth as It is in Heaven. ​ Feel free to check any details with the National Coordinator along the way. May you all be blessed in divine abundance now and forever in Divine Will and Love Amen and Fiat. ​ “I love you, but with an immense love; I love you, but with a love that is incomprehensible to you; I love you with a love that will never have limits nor will ever end; I love you with a love that you will never be able to match.” ​ Luisa’ response to Jesus: ‘My Life, You know that I have nothing, and whatever I do I take from You, and then I leave it in You again, so that my things, remaining in You, may have continuous attitude and life in You, while I remain always in my nothingness. ​ Therefore I take your love, I make it my own, and I say to You: “I love You with an eternal and immense love; with a love that has no limits and no end, and that is equal to yours”. Volume 11, November 1, 1915 Register your Interest to join Area Cenacle Leader Team Join the growing community of Divine Will Family Area Cenacle Leader Community, as we journey deeper into the Kingdom of God, here on Earth. The greatest gift that our Lord will give us in this life, is sharing in the Will of God. If you sense the Almighty Lord calling you, or Blessed Mother nudging you to volunteer as an Area Cenacle Leader, please complete the Volunteer form below and The National Cenacle Leader will be in touch with you shortly. Volunteer Here
  • How can I make a complaint to Divine Will Family?
    All complaints arising during a Divine Will-related activity should, if possible, be resolved by discussion between the parties involved. If this is not possible, the complainant should complete our complaints / grievance form.
  • How do I add a new question & answer?
    To add a new FAQ follow these steps: 1. Manage FAQs from your site dashboard or in the Editor 2. Add a new question & answer 3. Assign your FAQ to a category 4. Save and publish. You can always come back and edit your FAQs.
  • How do I edit or remove the 'Frequently Asked Questions' title?
    You can edit the title from the FAQ 'Settings' tab in the Editor. To remove the title from your mobile app go to the 'Site & App' tab in your Owner's app and customize.
  • Can I insert an image, video, or GIF in my FAQ?
    Yes. To add media follow these steps: 1. Manage FAQs from your site dashboard or in the Editor 2. Create a new FAQ or edit an existing one 3. From the answer text box click on the video, image or GIF icon 4. Add media from your library and save.
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